
Why You Should Check Out Climate Week NYC 2022 (9/19/2022)

Feb 10, 2023 Annie Cao

There’s never a bad time to start learning more about the environment and climate change. But if you’re looking to hear from influential leaders and communities that are fighting for climate action, Climate Week NYC 2022 is the place to be.


What is Climate Week NYC?

Started 14 years ago, Climate Week NYC is the largest global climate event of its kind. This year, its main message is about “Getting It Done.” It’ll be taking place from September 19-25, with over 500 events spread across 10 themes in New York and around the world. Prominent leaders from business, government, and climate communities in conjunction with the United Nations General Assembly and the city of New York will be participating in Climate Week NYC. There will be in-person events, but you can also livestream virtually.



There will be 10 event themes to check out throughout the week: built environment, sustainable living, environmental justice, food, transportation, finance, industry, policy, energy, and nature.


Built Environment

Did you know that buildings represent around 40% of greenhouse gas emissions and one-third of the global energy demand? This theme will be focusing on how we should be aiming for net zero buildings powered with renewable energy. They’ll also discuss the impact that buildings and infrastructure have on the environment and climate.


Sustainable Living

Here at Sabai, we prioritize making earth-friendly furniture that won’t hurt the planet. We’re also strong advocates for making sustainable lifestyle choices. This program will have events discussing different ways that we can collectively shift our daily habits into more sustainable ones.


Environmental Justice

Black, Brown, Indigenous, people of color, and migrant communities are the most impacted by climate change. Because of this, it’s vital that these groups are included in the conversation when it comes to climate action. This theme will amplify voices and stories from the most vulnerable communities so that they can be heard.



The global food system currently contributes to 21-37% of greenhouse gas emissions because of mass food production and unsustainable agriculture. In this program, there will be events discussing topics such as land restoration and management, regenerative farming, food waste, and more.



Accounting for about 23% of global emissions, transportation is the fastest growing contributor to climate change. Events in this program will examine and discuss how electrifying public transportation systems and creating zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) will improve air quality and produce clean and efficient systems.



This theme concentrates on the belief that a shift to a low-carbon economy will produce an economic boost and create more jobs. Topics in the Finance program will include climate finance, green economic recovery, employment opportunities, and more.



Cement, steelmaking, plastics, and aluminum are some of the largest global carbon emitters. By discussing how these industries can reduce energy consumption and create a more circular economy, these sectors could potentially reduce carbon emissions by 40%.



Policy is one of the first steps to producing change and results. Examining policy at the local, state, and international levels is essential to creating the framework that will help accelerate climate action.



Energy consumption is responsible for two-thirds of greenhouse gas emissions, making it the largest polluting sector in the world. This program brings policy and industry experts together to collaborate on the discussion of halving global emissions within the next 10 years with green economic agendas, zero-emission pledges, and more.



Nature is our home and we need to do our best to protect it. The events in the Nature program will focus on the importance of restoring and preserving the planet’s ecosystems and biodiversity.



If any of these topics interest you, you can explore their event calendar for dates and times. We know we’ll be tuning in, and we hope you will too!





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